The primary purpose of this site is to take an in-depth look at the book “Alcoholics Anonymous” in order to deepen and strengthen our own recovery and to try to help others do the same.

We have no affiliation with or endorsement from the amazing & miraculous worldwide Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.

This site has 5 parts:

  1. An introduction (a back story)

  2. Pdf’s of a 200 page “big book study guide”

  3. Video recordings of group sessions of ‘wandering thru the big book’

  4. Video recordings of group sessions of ‘the spiritual exercises of st. Ignatius”

  5. How to contact us to join our sessions.

NEW - Wandering Thru The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

The primary purpose of these recorded zoom sessions is to take an in-depth look at the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius in order to deepen and strengthen our own recovery by relating the principles and techniques found in the exercises to our work in Alcoholics Anonymous. We are trying to use the exercises to support our efforts to improve our “conscious contact” and to respond to the 10th step question: “God, how can i best serve thee?”