Session Videos

#1 - introduction: “opening words”

#2 - introduction: “the study guide”

#3 - introduction: “the circle and triangle - part 1”

#4 - introduction: “the circle and triangle - part 2”

#5 - introduction: “where did I veer off?”

#6 - step 1: “the doctor’s opinion”

#7 - step 1: “bill’s story, part 1”

#8 - step 1: “bill’s story, part 2”

#9 - step 1: “bill’s story, part 3”

#10 - step 1: “there is a solution“

#11 - step 1: “more about alcoholism“ - part I

#12 - step 1: “more about alcoholism“ - part II

#13 - step 2: “we agnostics“ - part I

#14 - step 2: “we agnostics“ - part II

#15 - step 2: “we agnostics“ - part III

#16 - step 2: “we agnostics“ - part IV

#17 - step 2: “we agnostics“ - part V

#18 - step 2: “we agnostics“ - part VI

#19 - step 2: “we agnostics“ - part VII

#20 - bill’s story in “AA comes of age”

#21 - step 3 #1 - "3 levels of miracles in our work"

# 22 - step 3 #2 - "the original manuscript"

#23 - step 3 part 3 - original manuscript #2

#24 - step 3 - original manuscript (part 3)

#25 - step 3 - additional materials

#26 - “be quick to see where religious people are right!”

#27 - "to conclude that others were wrong was as far as most of us ever got"

#28 - “the connection between resentment and fear”

#29 - step 4 - “we considered it carefully” - pages 66 & 67

#30 - step 4 resentment - the 4th column + "freedom from bondage"

#31 - step 4 - what to do about fear…

#32 - step 4: fear & the failure of self reliance

#33 (oct 3, 2021) - levels of the 3rd step decision

#34 (oct 10, 2021) - step 4 - resentment

#35 (oct 17, 2021) - page 72 - “a new attitude, new relationship, and obstacles”

#36 (nov 7, 2021) - step 4 fear - “primary purpose, the enneagram, and fear”

#38 - step 4 - “now about sex…”

#39 - step 5 - “what the book says...”

#40 - step 5 - “the exact nature of our wrongs”

#41 - step 5 - “sponsorship”

#37 (nov 14, 2021) "principles before personalities"

#43 - step 6: ‘praying for willingness and st. ignatius’

#44 - step 7 - “the prayer for removal & the beatitudes”

#45 - step 7 - “part II”

#46 - step 7 - “3 levels of miracles”

#47 - step 8 - “part I”

#42 - step 5: st ignatius and 'he sold himself short'

#48 - step 8 part II - “amends and self-forgiveness”

#49 - step 8 part III “amends & undoing self-condemnation”

#50 - step 9 part I - “what the book says”

#51 - step 9 part II - “promises & self condemnation”

#52 - step 10 - “what the book says…”

#53 - step 10 - part II

#54 - step 10 - part III

#55 - step 11 - part I “what the book says”

#56 - step 11 - part II “as we go thru the day…”

#57 - step 11 - part III “personal prayer…”

#58 - step 11 - part IV “emmet fox on prayer…”

#59 - step 11 - part V “how to listen to god!”

#60 - step 12 - part 1 “working with others”

#61 - step 12 - part II “working with others”

#62 - step 12 - part III “to wives, the family, & employers”

#63 - step 12 - part IV “a vision for you” - final session