In the summer of 2016, jack deupree of Camden, Maine (contributor to this site) started work on a hand-out to use during a big book workshop, in order to give participants something to take notes on and to take home.

The first workshop, using a 55 page study guide, took place in seaside, oregon in february 2017. Since then, big book workshops using this study guide have taken place at Hazelden Betty Ford, in Naples, Florida, the Bill Wilson House in East Dorset, Vermont, several towns and cities in Maine, Ohio, and Kingston, NY.

Along the way, the study guide has grown to almost 200 pages. It is presented here in the form of 15 pdf’s which you may download and print. The study guide draws on a lot of material from sources other than the big book, but this information is presented in relation to one of the steps.

The move to zoom happened with the start of the pandemic. A workshop had been scheduled in Nashville that wound up taking place on zoom. This led to a study group (going thru the study guide in 27 sessions), and that led to the current format of wandering thru the big book in an undetermined number of sessions. We started recording these zoom sessions with #33, which took place in october 3, 2021.

The opening words for these sessions are presented below. If you would like to participate, please click the ‘Join Our Sessions’ button to get the zoom number and passcode. Thank you.

Opening words   

Welcome to this session of “Wandering thru the Big Book.” This is not a meeting of the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. We have no group conscience, no 7th tradition, no requirement for membership, everyone is welcome... Our primary purpose is taking an in-depth look at the book “Alcoholics Anonymous”, in order to deepen and strengthen our own recovery, to try to help others to do the same, and to try to become trusted servants of our Fellowship. We are seeking “conscious contact” by trusting God, cleaning house, and helping others. And we are trying to improve that conscious contact by practicing steps 10, 11 & 12 every day, and applying the spiritual principles we are learning to the details of our ordinary day-to-day lives. We will begin this gathering with a moment of silence to reflect on why we are here… (Gong)

2. Some readings adapted from the big book

#1 “I earnestly advise every alcoholic to read this book thru, and though perhaps you came to scoff, you will remain to pray.” (page zero - right before page 1)

#2 “No attitude of holier than thou, no fees to pay, no axes to grind, no people to please, no lectures to be endured, these are the conditions we have found most effective.” (page 18) (and) “Be quick to see where religious people are right!” (page 87)

#3 “If you are as seriously alcoholic as we were, we believe you have but two alternatives - one is to go on to the bitter-end, blotting out of your consciousness how miserable you really are… (page 25) and the other… is to ask our creator each morning in meditation, to show us the way of patience, tolerance, kindness, and love.” (page 83)

#4 “Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God's will for us into all of our activities. ‘How can i best serve thee?’ ‘Thy will (not mine) be done.’ These are thoughts which must go with us constantly. This is the proper use of the will!” (page 85)

#5 “Just to the extent that i humbly rely on God, and do as i think God would have me do, will i be enabled to experience spiritual serenity right in the midst of the human calamity.” (page 68) “Head in the clouds, and feet firmly planted on the ground!” (page 130)

3. 15 minute lead followed by round table discussion until about 930.

This lead may focus on something from a ‘Big Book Study Guide’ which can be found, downloaded, and printed from the website (200+ pages in 15 pdf’s.) (“Homework” is usually sent out mid week with a reminder on saturday.)

4. Closing Gong around 930am.

For zoom meeting information, contact us.