Wandering Thru the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius - Session Videos

The St. Ignatius Story, Part 1

This first session on "wandering thru the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius" is very general in nature covering bits of St. Ignatius's story, a rough outline of the exercises, and our intent of relating the tools and techniques found in the exercises to our work in AA.

The St. Ignatius Story, Part 2

This session starts our review of Ignatius's personal story as he went from a knight in shining armor to a pilgrim, to the founding of the Jesuits, to being superior general of the society of Jesus in Rome in the 1540's.

What St. Ignatius was like, and what happened.

A review of St. Ignatius' early life and what he was like.

What happened, his initial spiritual awakening.

What he decided to do - a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

Relating Ignatius' story to bill's story.

Bottoming out. the importance of feelings as gauges of our behaviors.

Faith, hope and love or doubt, despair, and fear?

What is a spiritual awakening?

A review of our opening words.

The necessity of a spiritual awakening.

For most of us it's gradual.

3 levels of miracles:

#1 - we're not thinking about drinking (page 85)

#2 - our consciousness of the presence of god is the most important fact of our lives (page 51)

#3 - we feel we are on the broad highway, walking hand in hand with the spirit of the universe. (page 75)

What Carl Jung doesn't know:

#1 - Silkworth defining the physical aspect of our disease (in NYC at the same time Jung is talking to Hazzard) that we process alcohol differently than normal safe drinkers.

#2 - the Oxford groups are bringing people into a spiritual experience through their 6 step program.

finally - Bill Wilson's spiritual experience as detailed in pass it on pages 118-121

Below are the opening words that are read before each session:

Welcome to this session of “Wandering thru the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius”. This is not a meeting of the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. There is no group conscience, no 7th tradition, no requirement for membership, everybody's welcome. Our primary purpose is to take an in-depth look at the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius in order to deepen and strengthen our own recovery by relating the principles and techniques found in the exercises to our work in Alcoholics Anonymous. We are trying to use the exercises to support our efforts to improve our “conscious contact” and to respond to the 10th step question: “God, how can i best serve thee?”

We will begin this gathering with a moment of silence to reflect on why we are here…

Some Readings Adapted from Various Sources

   #1  Your life has been given you mainly for the purpose of training your soul. This life we live is not so much for the body as for the soul. We often choose what best suits the body. God wants us to choose what best serves the soul’s spiritual growth. Accept this belief and a wonderful molding of character takes place. Reject it and god’s purpose for your life is frustrated and your spiritual progress is delayed. Your soul is being trained by the good you choose. Thus, the purpose of your life is being fulfilled. (june 8th - 24 hours a day)

   #2  The primary purpose of your life is to trust, love, & serve your creator, and thereby “save” your soul. So it doesn’t matter if you have a long life or a short one, a rich life or a poor one, a healthy life or a sick one, an honored life or a dishonored one. What matters is that you ask god to mold your ideals & help you to live up to them. (annotation #23 - ‘principle and foundation’)

   #3  If what we have learned and seen and felt means anything at all, it means that all of us, whatever our race, creed, or color, are the children of a living, loving creator with whom we may form a relationship upon simple and understandable terms as soon as we are willing and honest and open enough to try. (big book page 28)

   #4   “If you are as seriously alcoholic as we were,  we believe you have but two alternatives (bb page 25) - one is to go on to the bitter-end, blotting out of your consciousness how miserable you really are… (this is desolation - out of sync with god, feelings of doubt, despair, & fear - #317)   and the other…   to ask your creator each morning in meditation to show you the way of patience,  tolerance,  kindness, and  love (bb page 83) (this is consolation - in sync with god, feelings of faith & hope & love).   (“rules for discernment”  annotation #316)

   #5   Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God's will for us into all of our activities.  ‘How can i best serve thee?’  ‘Thy will (not mine) be done.’  These are thoughts which must go with us constantly.  This is the proper use of the will!”  (bb page 85)

   #6   Just to the extent that i humbly rely on God, and do as i think  God would have me do,  will i be enabled to experience spiritual serenity right in the midst of the human calamity.”  (pg 68)    “Head in the clouds,  and feet firmly planted on the ground!”  (page 130)

Following these opening words the recorded sessions begin.

Relating the spiritual exercises to our work in alcoholics anonymous…